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Forest of Love - Tree #11972

This tree was planted on Tuesday, November 4th 2014

This tree belongs to Kristyn and Matthew.

 More Information:
Me and Matt are in a long distance relationship. Ever since we first found each other, we knew that we were meant to be together. I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. Every morning I wake up I find another reason to love him. And every night I fall asleep thinking about how much of an impact he's made on my life. He is an amazing person, and If anyone is lucky enough to be blessed with meeting him they should cherish that. He only deserves the best, and i'm trying my hardest every day to provide that. Though we live 650.1 miles apart soon enough there won't be anything between us but one side of the bed to the other. I'm applying to his university in the fall, and leaving the only place I've ever known. Just to create the life I've always dreamt of with him. I've faced a lot of misfortune. A lot of heartache. I've been at my lowest, and know what it feels like to struggle.And never did I expect to actually find that one thing that every person on this earth dreams of finding; a soulmate. He is the light of my life and without him I'd drown in eternal darkness. He has no idea just how much he means to me. And how much I appreciate the fact that he does not judge me. I'm 18, and have been living with a brain disorder for the last three years. My I have a frontal lobe dysfunction and permanent memory loss. Cognitive damage can feel like the end of the world when you wake up not knowing anyone in your life. The accident happened in December 2013. And waking up in that hospital was terrifying. Every morning I'd wake up after that, my mind would think it was the day of the accident, simply because It's the last thing that i could remember. All of my memories of my life were swept away. I didn't know my friends anymore. I forgot some family member, and also, I didn't know who I was. Ever since then I've been trying to discover my true essence. What makes me who I am? What was I like before this? I don't have many friendships left simply because It's become a burden on everyone. Misfortunes like these aren't easy to understand, so I've had a lot of people give up on me. The only memories I have left aren't ones I honestly want to have anymore. But trying to let those go is terrifying because then I'll have nothing left of who I was. And finding Matt was a miracle for me. Because even though he can't quite understand it now, just the fact that he's trying to means more to me than he'll ever be able to understand. I've fallen in love with him, and even if something were to happen there will always be a part of him inside my heart. Nobody has done for me the things he has. And I owe him my life. Because that's exactly what he's given to me, a reason to enjoy my life again. I love you Matt. Never forget that.

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