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Forest of Love - Tree #2395

This tree was planted on Wednesday, December 24th 2008

This tree belongs to Kelsey and Tyler.

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I hope you'll never see this tree because then you would probably be a little (or more than a little) creeped out, and probably wouldn't talk to me anymore. Tyler, you're one of my best friends, and your sweet, caring, unselfish, and anything else a girl would use to describe a guy. You already know that I like you, and you said that nothing is going to be awkward between us, but you're going out with my best friend ever already, and we're about to go back to school, and I'm going to see you again, and I think that it may be awkward when we see each other. I've really missed you since I've only seen you once this summer, and I'm really happy that I'm going to see you again. Well.. I guess this is how life works. It sucks sometimes even when it's filled with happiness.

Love, Kelsey

A.K.A. Zebra in a straight jacket

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