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Forest of Love - Tree #5869

This tree was planted on Tuesday, August 30th 2011

This tree belongs to Jessica Lynn and Paul Nance.

 More Information:
Paul and I dated briefly almost four years ago but due to some misunderstandings with each other we broke up. But as time went our affection ultimately grew for each other more and more. But we ended up dating other people who we knew werent for us but thinking that we could never have each other. I ended up moving to Dallas and he still lives in Amarillo. Four years later we found ourselves single and I ended up coming down there for Spring Break and knew something was going to happen between us and sure enough it did. We ended up watching Tron and he told me he still had feelings for me as happy as I was to hear this I did'nt want to have a long distance relationship so I told him I did'nt want to make it official. That did'nt last long though after a two weeks of talking to on the phone for hours on end I realized that he was the one I truly wanted to be with and I asked him out and we've been going strong since then and he is now and forever the love of my life!!!! He will be moving up here hopefully soon but for now we take our relationship one step at a time and the distance makes it that much better when we do see each other!!! He is the best man I know and I love him so much!!!!! =)

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