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Forest of Love - Tree #6420

This tree was planted on Sunday, January 1st 2012

This tree belongs to Leilani and Matthew.

 More Information:
We have been together since May 23, 2011. But it all began on Facebook through a few simple comments about Glee (Matt and I were both HUGE fans at the time). We met through a cousin of mine and after we hit it off commenting endlessly on my poor cousin's status, Matt worked up the courage to add me as a friend and I happily accepted. From that day Matt and I have never missed a day of talking to each other. For the first 6 months we spent every moment we could trying to get to know each other whether it be through; phone, hand written letters, emails, Facebook, care packages, and instant messages. Then finally we met face-to-face! He courageously flew from the outskirts of London to a small town in northern Washington to attend my birthday party :)

Since then Matt has come to America a second time and I've managed to take a 6 month holiday in England just to spend time with the love of my life, it was by far the best 6 months of my life

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